The circulation unit has been designed to clean refinery process equipment and heat exchanger trains with minimum disruption to renery throughput. While the unit generally flows our proprietary solvent through the refinery system, we are able to
utilize other approved agents if requested by our client.
The ability to clean heat exchangers without having to remove them is truly transformational. There are significant cost savings and minimized downtime when we clean in place. Due to this process being less disruptive to operations, operators can clean more frequently to maintain production levels and optimize heat exchanger performance. Another key feature is that we minimize worker exposure to hazardous situations. The design includes emergency cut outs and isolation that will eliminate the need to blank in most circumstances.
Clean In Place

25,000 bpd flow rate
100 psi rating
Reversible flow
480v plug & play system
VFD controlled motor
24 hour maximum cleaning time
Heat added with steam or glycol
Fully mechanized
Less disruptive and reduced downtime by eliminating pulling the Heat Exchanger from the network
More cost effective than “pulling” allowing for more frequent cleaning and higher production levels
Fewer resources needed; no scaffolding, cranes and associated labour
Avoids unwanted disassembly and potential damage of asset components, leaving asset integrity undisturbed and elminates risk of loss of containment on start-up
Organic solvent contacts all fouled surfaces allowing a more effective clean
No waste water or spent toxic chemicals
Quick response
Maintenance agreements available to help optimize throughput
We can engage and partner with 3rd parties to monitor heat exchanger performance